Welcome to
Flow State Physio
Serving the Livingston, Montana area.

Bryce Waddell DPT, FAAOMPT
Who I Am:
12+ years of experience as a physical therapist, working at both local & major inpatient and outpatient therapy practices in Montana
Fellowship trained in manual therapy, dry needling and spinal manipulation
Community focused: trying to make Park County a healthier place
Trained ranch hand, husband and father of 2 girls
Avid Yellowstone River runner, trout scarer, elk catcher, house remodeler and backcountry enthusiast
Book lover - please pass along your recommendations
A nerd who prefers bullet points over paragraphs
What I Do:
Fitness & performance focused - high school athletes to local ranchers and everyone in between. Let me help you live your best life
Pre-op preparation and post-operative recovery
Sports medicine
Dedicated, loyal, hardworking, committed and motivated to make you better and stronger, as long as you can commit to the same
Clean energy, clean nutrition, personal improvement
About the Letters:
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy from University of Illinois Chicago
FAAOMPT- Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists - The one I am most proud of. There are fewer than 3,000 of us in the country. 18-month-post-doctorate in all things hands-on: dry needling, spinal manipulation, instrument assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM), cupping; as well as in-depth differential diagnosis education and hundreds of hours of 1:1 mentorship.
CMFA - Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete: Extensive training to be a well rounded clinician and coach in the fitness world; from deadlift to snatch and movement modifications for injuries related.
Osteopractor - "Specifically trained, with advanced post-graduate qualifications to treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions" I.E. not a generalist.
Cert DN - Dry needling certified via Dry Needling Institute, 100's of hours of training and real world application for all body parts.
Cert SMT - Certified in spinal and extremity manipulation therapy (aka cracking). Same as above.
Barbell Rehab Method - Education and training on working with barbell athletes, from both a coaching and injury modification perspective.
SFMA L1 (selective functional movement assessment) - Identifying dysfunctional movement patterns, correcting aforementioned patterns and optimizing your movement and performance.

Flow State Physio - Why the name?
For most people this probably conjures the thoughts of yoga or the Yellowstone River (although it has been described as a sensation of floating), it is actually a psychologic term coined by Mihaly Csikezentmihalyi - the overall concept is too dense for this brief section, however a quote from Mihaly provides a good description:
"The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times ... The best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile".
According to Csikezentmihalyi, happiness takes a committed effort: just like your health and well-being.
Insurance Acceptance

+ Workers' Compensation Insurances
The Point at Del Mar
1201 U.S. Highway 10 West Suite B1
Livingston, MT 59047